Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Finals Week

Once again, it's that time of year--finals week. Boo!! I took my music final last night (Monday) and it was okay I guess. I feel like I guessed a lot because there is just so much information from that class, it's hard to remember everything. However, I realized that I really did learn SO much from the Beatles class. I went in not know anything about them except for "Yellow Submarine" and John Lennon. Now, I know so much about them, it's crazy! I still don't really know technical music stuff that we sort of went over in class, but I don't really care to learn that yet. So far, I've been feeling pretty calm about finals. It's funny because after taking my first final, I seriously felt like it was summer already.

Today I spent pretty much the entire day studying for econ. Yeah, I hate how I don't have any fun time, but then again, if I had fun time, I wouldn't have study time which I really need, and then my grades would suffer more. This quarter, I'm pretty much getting straight B's (except maybe one A if I do well on the final)...a definite drop from my previous 2 quarters. I have come to accept that and just do my best for now. I'm just really looking forward to summer and all the random fun things I want to do.

As stated in my previous entry, mommy and daddy came to visit me here in SD on Saturday. It was really great even though their visit was very short. I think I really needed some encouragement and fun to keep me going in preparation for this week. I've also been looking at my old cards from like Valentines Day and one that accompanied my 1st quarter care package. I really love cards. I love how they can tell someone how he or she feels about the recipient and share encouragement and as a bonus, they are keepsakes so I get to re-read them whenever I want! I think it's important to tell someone how you feel about him/her, because you never know...you might just make their day with something nice even if it's small. I think it's also good to put myself in other people's position and see through their perspective sometimes so that I can understand a particular situation. I try my best to be helpful.

I'm very excited for the end of my first collegiate year though :)

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